UPC version developers: Francois Cantonnet - GWU/HPCL (fcantonn@gwu.edu) Abhishek Agarwal - GWU/HPCL (agarwala@gwu.edu) Olivier Serres - GWU/HPCL (olivier.serres@gmail.com, serres@gwmail.gwu.edu) Smita Annareddy - GWU/HPCL (asmita@gwu.edu) Veysel Baydogan - GWU/HPCL (vbdogan@gwu.edu) Yiyi Yao - GWU/HPCL (yyy@gwu.edu) S. Chauvin F. Vroman Tarek El-Ghazawi - GWU/HPCL (tarek@gwu.edu) Nikita Andreev - KemSU (nik@kemsu.ru) Original NAS NPB authors: R. F. Van der Wijngaart - NAS M. Yarrow - NAS C. Kuszmaul - NAS P. O. Frederickson - NAS D. H. Bailey - NAS A. C. Woo - NAS D. Bailey - NAS E. Barszcz - NAS W. Saphir - NAS Many people further contributed to this program by reporting problems, suggesting various improvements or submitting actual code. We want to address them special thanks : Brian Wibecan - HP (brian.wibecan@hp.com) - For all his valuable comments Charles Grassl - Cray (cmg@cray.com) - For his ingenious awk script