upcc.cgi test page.

This page is for testing the 'upcc.cgi' script that comes with the Berkeley UPC

To use:

1) read the instructions in upcc.cgi to set up the script on your web server.

2) Edit the source HTML for this page, so that the 'form action' points to the
   URL for your copy of upcc.cgi.

3) Load this page in your browser, select 'foo.tar' for the 'tarball' input
   field, and hit 'submit.'  If your browser receives a file to download, your
   copy of upcc.cgi is working.  Otherwise you will get an error from either
   upcc.cgi, or your webserer.  
4) Once this page is working with upcc.cgi, set up your remote UPC runtime to
   point at the upcc.cgi URL, and you'll be ready to compile UPC code.

tarball:  (select 'foo.tar', located in the same directory as this HTML page)